spant 3.2.0
- Individual metabolite plots in the html report are now labelled to workaround
an R Markdown bug where identical plots (eg when signal is zero) are sometimes
not shown.
- Added get_hrf function to spant namespace.
- Tentative support for a command line interface : spant_fit_svs.
- Tentative support for LCModel analysis in the fit_svs function and cli.
spant 3.1.0 (2024-12-17)
- Tentative implementation of a standard single voxel MRS processing pipeline
function: fit_svs.
- spant user guide has been added to the project:
- Implemented basis caching for sim_basis.
- scale_amp_molar function has been depreciated. Please use scale_amp_legacy
for LCModel style concentration scaling instead.
- Assumed T1 and T2 relaxation values for molal concentration scaling have been
updated. See the user guide for details.
spant 2.24.0 (2024-11-14)
- Added argument to adjust the legend font size in ortho3 function.
- Improved metabolite simulation performance thanks to the expm package recently
adding support for complex matrices.
spant 2.23.0 (2024-08-27)
- abfit options for lipid and MM maximum broadening and maximum frequency shift
now default to be the same as the metabolite values unless explicitly changed.
- Added function to calculate the correlation matrix from a basis_set.
- Fix for RDA files where a comma is sometimes used as a decimal point.
spant 2.22.0 (2024-07-11)
- Added find_bids_mrs and mrs_data2bids helper functions.
- Improved handling of CMRR semi-LASER SVS water reference scans.
- Added functions for GLS coil combination.
spant 2.21.0 (2024-05-30)
- Fixed compiler warnings for Fortran code.
- Added glm_spec function.
- Added add_noise_spec_snr function.
spant 2.20.0 (2024-05-01)
- Added vertical line colour and linetype options for stackplots.
- Added option to give Y axis labels in units of seconds for spectrograms.
spant 2.19.0 (2024-03-22)
- Removed dependency on smoother package.
- Added functions for generating BOLD and trapezoidal response shapes.
spant 2.18.0 (2024-02-23)
- Improved automated file type detection.
- Bug fixes for DICOM MRS reader.
- scale_spec function now works with basis set objects.
- Added invert_fit option to plotting methods.
spant 2.17.0 (2023-11-28)
- Simulation duration output is now rounded to 2dp.
- sim_basis now accepts a character vector of molecular names.
- Added get_1h_brain_basis_names function.
spant 2.16.0 (2023-10-23)
- Added subset option to mean_dyns function.
- Added vline option to plot.
- Added common 31P brain metabolites.
- Added verbose option to sim_basis.
spant 2.15.0 (2023-09-14)
- An SNR estimate of zero in comb_coils is now a failure case.
- Bug fix for GE pfile reader header revision 20.
- Added a function for finding valid MRS files : find_mrs_files.
spant 2.14.0 (2023-07-19)
- Added vline argument to stackplot function.
- Added functions to set MRS data TR and number of transients.
spant 2.13.0 (2023-06-26)
- Improved defaults for sim_brain_1h function.
- Added scale_basis_amp function.
- Added crop_basis function.
spant 2.12.0 (2023-05-22)
- Amplitude scaling functions duplicate water reference amplitudes when
- Added hline option to the mrs_data plot function.
spant 2.11.0 (2023-04-22)
- Bug fix for Siemens RDA slice thickness detection.
- ProtocolName is now read from GE p-files.
spant 2.10.0 (2023-03-20)
- Tentative support for UIH DICOM MRS format.
- Improved support for reading GE p-files.
- Added a WIP function to export a one-page summary pdf of the fit result
spant 2.9.0 (2023-03-03)
- Bug fix when using align function with masked data.
- mean_dyn_blocks returns the input data when block_size is set to 1.
spant 2.7.0 (2023-01-28)
- Added Manufacturer tag to metadata.
- Added mask_xy_corners and mask_xy_ellipse functions.
- Added functions to fit T1 and T2 relaxation curves.
- Updated CI checks.
spant 2.6.0 (2023-01-06)
- Masked spectra plotted with image are now shown with a value of zero.
- Added function to read .pta files - read_pulse_pta.
- Added a function to make basis set objects from a directory of LCModel
formatted RAW files - make_basis_from_raw.
- Added horizontal line to fit result plots.
- Improvements to reading LCM .raw files with variable numerical columns.
spant 2.5.0 (2022-12-06)
- Improved function documentation for water concentration scaling.
- Added water and tCr scaling examples to the introduction vignette.
- Better error checking for reading ima files.
- read_basis function improved to work with variable formatting.
- Improved default method of time-domain signal amplitude estimation.
- Added helper functions for working with basis set objects:
scale_basis_from_singlet, resample_basis and get_basis_subset.
- Bug fix for STEAM basis simulation being incorrectly scaled for internal
water scaling methods.
spant 2.4.0 (2022-11-07)
- Performance improvement for reading VD format TWIX files.
- Function added to scale all metabolite levels by a set value
spant 2.3.0 (2022-10-12)
- Verbose option added to read_ima_coil_dir and read_ima_dyn_dir functions.
- Support added for reading jMRUI txt formatted MRS data.
- sim_brain_1h default sequence changed to semi-LASER and line-broadening option
- Bug fix for reading LCModel RAW files.
- Bug fix for HSVD filter when only 0 or 1 components are found in the filter
- Improved removal of unwanted data points for reading TWIX formatted data.
- A json sidecar is automatically written when exporting NIfTI MRS formatted
- TWIX reader improved to only read data points from the last scan in the file.
This also fixes a rare bug.
spant 2.2.0 (2022-09-08)
- peak_info function now works with masked datasets.
- Bug fix for HSVD function not working with frequency domain data.
- Bug fix for TWIX affine calculation when not using power of two matrix
- New function (crop_td_pts_pot) to round a dataset length down to the nearest
power of 2.
- Added ret_metab_only option to comb_coils.
- rats now only returns the corrected data by default, note this could break old
spant 2.1.0 (2022-07-21)
- y-axis label can now be changed with a new argument (yaxis_lab) to
- Segmentation files are now checked for non-integer values.
- gridplot has better row and col number defaults for MRSI, and has a bug fix
for plotting masked spectra.
- Updated functions for dealing with lists of MRSI datasets.
- Bug fix for crop_xy function when working with odd matrix sizes.
spant 2.0.0 (2022-06-22)
- magrittr pipe (%>%) is no longer loaded together with spant now the base pipe
is part of R. Vignettes and tests have been updated to use the base pipe.
- NIfTI MRS writer no longer fails when dealing with a NULL affine matrix.
- Bug fix for NIfTI MRS writer, where frequency domain data was not correctly
converted to time-domain before export.
spant 1.22.0 (2022-05-27)
- Added MSM and acetone to the set of internally defined molecules.
- write_mrs_nifti function removed from userspace. write_mrs should be used
- set_td_pts and crop_td_pts now work with lists of spectra.
- Multiple files can now be written by passing a list of spectra to write_mrs.
spant 1.21.0 (2022-05-03)
- Bug fix for get_mrsi_voi function due to incorrect rounding of MRSI matrix
dimensions in some cases.
- Added mask_fit_res function.
- Option added to get_2d_psf function to ensure odd output dimensions.
- Bug fix for using rats on datasets with masked voxels.
- Added spec_decomp function.
- Added ret_scale_factor option to scale_spec function.
spant 1.20.0 (2022-03-30)
- Options added to ft_dyns to return the modulus of the 2D spectra and to
pre-transform the chemical shift axis if needed.
- Bug fix for printing lists of mrs_data objects.
- comb_coils function now supports lists of mrs_data objects.
- IMA reader now respects the verbose option in read_mrs.
- Bug fix for get_mrsi_voi ignoring the ker argument.
- Bug fix for reading Siemens TWIX files.
spant 1.19.0 (2022-02-14)
- Added sum_mrs_list function.
- Bug fix for operating on mrs_data with single values that aren't numeric
types. For example, multiplying mrs_data by a single complex number now works.
- A number of common preprocessing functions now operate on lists of mrs_data
- Change to NIfTI MRS reader to fix a failing test when using the development
version of RNifti.
spant 1.18.0 (2022-02-08)
- Better behaviour when using stackplot with single spectra datasets.
- Better behaviour when using image with single spectra datasets.
- Bug fix for reading MEGA-PRESS data in TWIX format.
- Better error checking for lists of spectra.
- Bug fix for calculating NAA linewidth from MEGA-PRESS data.
spant 1.17.0 (2022-01-07)
- New function added (recon_twix_2d) for reconstructing basic phase encoded twix
2D MRSI data.
- File name argument for read_mrs now permits globbing, eg read_mrs("*.dcm").
- Improved plotting of metabolite maps containing infinite values.
- Improvements to GE p-file reader.
- Bug fix for TWIX MRSI voxel dimensions.
- get_mrsi2d_seg now returns partial volume maps as well as a data frame.
- Improved error handling for spec_op function.
- apodise_xy can now be applied to multi-coil and dynamic datasets.
spant 1.16.0 (2021-11-18)
- The package has been published in the Journal for Open Source Software :
"spant: An R package for magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis. JOSS 2021,
6(67), 3646".
- The basis result of the HSVD function is now an mrs_data object.
- The complete model signal is now output by the HSVD function.
- image function x-axis updated to be consistent with other plotting methods.
- Minor refactor of the simulation code and a dependency swap from complexplus
to exmp packages.
spant 1.15.0 (2021-10-22)
- Added a unit test for reading and writing LCM .basis formatted files.
- Added FWHM estimates for tCr and tCho in ABfit.
- Added water suppression efficiency and water FWHM measures to the diagnostic
output of svs_1h_brain_analysis.
- Added get_head_dyns and get_tail_dyns to return the first and last dynamic
scans within a dataset.
- Fixed CI errors.
- Improved installation instructions.
- Removed comb_csv_results function and reduced the number of required packages.
spant 1.14.0 (2021-07-23)
- Added glycerol simulation parameters, e.g. get_mol_paras("glyc").
- Bug fix for read_ima_* functions.
- Improved y = 0 baseline for stackplot when setting bl_lty parameter.
- Removed norm_mrs function and replaced with scale_spec for simple data
scaling tasks, eg scaling based on the integration of a spectral region.
- Added spec_op function for performing simple summary operations on spectral
- Changed the name of scale_mrs function to scale_mrs_amp.
- Added mean_mrs_list function.
- Improved LCM RAW and BASIS readers (contribution from Alex Craven).
spant 1.13.0 (2021-06-09)
- ABfit frequency shifts limits are now specified in ppm rather than Hz to
improve consistency between field strengths.
- NAA linewidth is now estimated and output by ABfit when NAAG is absent -
useful for BRAINO phantom scans.
- Warning now given when spectra are mathematically combined and are not both
in the same time/frequency domain.
- sum_mrs function added to simplify combining spectra within a pipe.
- scale_mrs function added to simplify scaling a spectrum within a pipe.
- add_noise function added to simplify generating simulated data with a pipe.
- hsvd_filt function now accepts a frequency range in ppm units and gives the
option to return the model rather than the filtered data.
- Bug fix for hsvd_filt function where the max_damp argument was ignored.
- SVS reference scans, found in some TWIX files, are now removed by default.
- Bug fix for reading list/data when only one coil element is used.
spant 1.12.0 (2021-05-05)
- Added 2HG and citrate simulation parameters. e.g. get_mol_paras("2hg").
- Better print output for molecular definitions.
- Added metabolite and basis simulation vignettes.
- Bug fix for setting the ppm reference when reading LCModel RAW files.
- Bug fix for ABfit CRLB calculation of combined signals, eg tNAA, tCr.
spant 1.11.0 (2021-03-28)
- Options added to allow extra information to attached to mrs_data and
fit_result objects as a data frame.
- New functions (combine_fit_XXX) for working with multiple fit results
contained within a list structure.
- Basis set and noise region are now checked for validity in ABfit.
- Added spant_abfit_benchmark function.
- Tentative functions for performing "standard" 1H brain analyses:
svs_1h_brain_analysis and svs_1h_brain_batch_analysis.
- Improved support for LCModel analyses.
spant 1.10.0 (2021-01-06)
- Fix for NIfTI MRS reader/writer.
- ortho3 now shows correct labels for orientations other than RAS.
- ortho3_int function renamed to ortho3_inter.
- Argument order change to plot_voi_overlay and plot_voi_overlay_seg to be more
consistent with ortho3.
- Regression fix for partial volume segmentation plotting.
- Echo time parameter is now stored in the meta structure.
- ABfit now performs a 1D phase parameter search before the prefit stage to
improve reliability. May be disabled with the prefit_phase_search fit option.
spant 1.9.0 (2020-12-15)
- NIfTI MRS reader and writer now uses the header extension for metadata. Thanks
to Jon Clayden for adding extension read/write support to the RNifti package.
- Default plots now have gridlines in the y-direction and the plot line is now
thicker and coloured blue.
- Opacity option added to the plotting functions (alpha).
- Bug fix for comb_coils with SVS data.
- Bug fixes for Siemens geometry information.
- Changed the ordering of arguments to write_mrs and write_mrs_nifti to improve
consistency with other functions.
- Internal function (ortho3) now used to plot voxel locations on MRI.
- Internal dicom reader function added.
- Tentative support for Siemens and Philips DICOM MRS format added.
- Internal changes to the way orientation information is handled.
spant 1.8.0 (2020-11-18)
- Added gridplot function.
- New functions added for down sampling.
- Added signal space projection method for MRSI.
- Geometry information is now read from Siemens twix files.
- GitHub actions are now used for continuous integration instead of Travis and
- Added precomp function to avoid repeated computation.
- mrs_data2mat function now collapses all dimensions to dynamics by default.
- mrs_data objects now store the nucleus.
- Added a reader for old Varian format (fid/procpar) data.
spant 1.7.0 (2020-07-09)
- Added write_mrs function which guesses the output format from the file
extension or can be specified as an argument. write_mrs_XXX functions have been
- read_mrs function now tries to guess the format from the file extension.
- Added json sidecar to NIFTI MRS export function.
- Added the option to read MRS data from a NIFTI file and json sidecar using the
read_mrs function.
- Changed default crop_spec region to between 4.0 and 0.2 ppm.
spant 1.6.0 (2020-06-05)
- Bug fix for GE P file reader.
- Added downsample_mrs function.
- Tentative function (write_mrs_nifti) to write MRS data as a NIFTI format file
- for evaluation purposes only.
spant 1.5.0 (2020-05-11)
- Added an option to ABfit to allow the metabolite amplitudes to be negative
- Removed lsei package dependency.
spant 1.4.0 (2020-04-20)
- Added the option to plot a y = 0 baseline trace for stackplot.mrs_data.
- Added convenience functions to read and write mrs_data to rds format.
spant 1.3.0 (2020-04-03)
- Added get_fit_table function to combine all fit tables in a fit_result object
into a single dataframe.
- ppm function can now be applied to fit result objects.
- Bug fix for plot_slice_fit_inter and added the option to specify a
- Added the option to specify a denominator to plot_slice_fit.
spant 1.2.1 (2020-03-15)
- Added the option to display a progress bar in fit_mrs function for better
conformance to "Writing R Extensions" in non-interactive use.
- Changed test tolerance to accommodate differences with OSX.
spant 1.2.0 (2020-03-11)
- Performance improvement for HSVD water filter.
- ABfit unit tests are now run on simulated data to improve consistency between
different platforms.
- Improvements to fit amplitude scaling code.
- Improved checking for mrs_data processing functions.
- Added preprocessing steps vignette.
spant 1.1.0 (2020-03-01)
- Improved ppm labels for ABfit plot results.
- Bug fix for plot_slice_fit when using fits from masked data.
- Updated unit tests.
- Added vignette on manually adjusting ABfit baseline smoothness.
- Updated the introduction vignette.
- Bug fixes for image and stackplot functions for masked MRS data.
- Bug fix for using RATS with masked MRS data.
- Changes to prepare for for R 4.0.0.
spant 1.0.0 (2020-02-17)
- ABfit analysis method has been added, and is now default for the mrs_fit
- Added reader for LCModel RAW format data.
- Added read_mri_dyn_dir function for reading dynamic MRS exported from Siemens
- Bug fixes for 2D MRSI voxel segmentation calculation.
- Bug fixes for Siemens IMA format reader for SVS data.
- Optional colourbar added to ortho3 function.
spant 0.19.0 (2019-12-06)
- Added Asc, BHB, Cho, PEth and Ser simulation parameters.
- Added ker option to get_mrsi_voi function.
- Added append_basis function to combine two basis sets objects.
- The align function now accepts more than one reference frequency.
spant 0.17.0
- Added a function to grid shift 2D MRSI data in the x/y direction.
- Better plotting/fitting support for masking data by setting data points to NA.
- Bug fix for interactive voxel selection position indicator.
- Added mask_xy to mask voxels in a centred rectangular region.
- Minor changes to improve parallel processing support.
spant 0.16.0 (2019-10-30)
- SNR is now defined as the max data point divided by the standard deviation of
the noise (n.b. factor of two has been removed in-line with upcoming terminology
- Default rats method improved to work with multidimensional datasets.
- Added norm_mrs function to normalise the intensity of spectral data.
- Added bc_constant function to correct spectral baselines by a constant offset.
- Added re_weighting function to apply a resolution enhancement weighting to the
- Performance improvement for apodise_xy function.
- sd function now works for mrs_data.
- Added 2D MRSI support for Siemens IMA format.
spant 0.15.0 (2019-09-19)
- Bug fix for using auto_phase function with a single spectrum.
- Bug fix for comb_coils not returning unaveraged data when requested.
- Added options to combine metabolite signals from the stackplot of a fit object
and adjust the plot margins.
- Added comb_fits function.
- Added collapse_to_dyns function for mrs_fit objects.
- RDA reader now extracts geometry information.
spant 0.14.0 (2019-05-28)
- Added options to omit basis signals, change label names and combine lipid and
MM signals from the stackplot of a fit object.
- Added auto_phase function for zeroth order phase-correction of simple spectra.
- Added get_subset function to aid MRSI slicing.
- Added decimate_mrs function.
- Added fit_amps function to quickly extract amplitude estimates from a fit
- Bug fix for int_spec function.
- sim_basis function arguments updated to accept acq_par objects.
spant 0.13.0 (2019-04-25)
- Various bug fixes for Siemens TWIX reader.
- rats and tdsr functions now use the mean spectrum as the default reference.
- Added the option to remove the x axis in an mrs_data plot.
- Added ylim and y_scale options to fit plotting.
- Added %$% operator from magrittr package.
- Added an interpolation option to calc_spec_snr.
- Added hline and vline options to image.mrs_data.
spant 0.12.0 (2018-11-05)
- Fit results stackplot now has the option to display labels.
- Added the option to reverse eddy current correction.
- Improved GE p-file reader.
- diff function can now be applied to mrs_data objects.
- Complex functions: Re, Im, Mod, Arg and Conj can now be applied to mrs_data
- Default simulations for Glc and NAAG have been improved.
spant 0.11.0 (2018-07-20)
- Added mar argument to plot command.
- td2fd and fd2td now give warnings when used with data already in the target
- Improved documentation formatting consistency and fixed some spelling errors.
- Added rats method.
spant 0.10.0 (2018-06-25)
- The names of in-built pulse sequence functions now all start with seq_* to
make them easier to find.
- Added new functions to simulate the following MRS sequences: CPMG, MEGA-PRESS,
STEAM, sLASER. sLASER sequence kindly contributed by Pierre-Gilles Henry.
- Bug fix for get_mol_names function.
- stackplot function now accepts labels argument and time-domain plotting.
- def_acq_paras function now accepts arguments to override the defaults.
- Added a source field to mol.paras object to cite the origin of the values.
- Option to restore plotting par defaults.
- The magrittr pipe operator is now exported.
spant 0.9.0 (2018-03-07)
- Updated plotting modes to be one of : "re", "im", "mod" or "arg".
- Updated int_spec function to use "re", "im", or "mod".
- Added a function to replicate data across a particular dimension.
- Added a convenience function to simulate normal looking 1H brain MRS data.
- phase and shift functions now accept vector inputs.
spant 0.7.0 (2018-01-31)
- Added new function for frequency drift correction.
- Added support for Siemens ima and TWIX SVS data.
- Added support for GE p-file SVS data.
- Added apply_axes fn.
- Support for reading SPM style segmentation results (spm_pve2categorical).
spant 0.6.0 (2017-10-25)
- Interactive plotting function added for fit results - plot_fit_slice_inter.
- Bug fix for appending dynamic results.
- Bug fix for reading list data files without reference data.
- Bug fix for append_dyns function.
- basis2mrs_data function has been extended to allow the summation of basis
elements and setting of individual amplitudes.
- Added a shift function for manual frequency shift adjustment.
- Added initial unit tests and automated coveralls checking.
spant 0.5.0 (2017-10-10)
- A default brain PRESS basis is now simulated by the fit_mrs function when the
basis argument isn't specified.
- Added calc_peak_info function for simple singlet analyses.
- crop_spec function now maintains the original frequency scale.
- The basis set used for analyses has now been added to the fit result object.
- Bug fix for simulating basis sets with one element.
- lb function can now be used with basis-set objects.
- Bug fix for spar_sdat reader for non-localised MRS.
- AppVeyor now being used to test Windows compatibility - John Muschelli.
spant 0.4.0 (2017-08-09)
- Bug fix for SPAR/SDAT SVS voxel dimensions.
- MRSI support added for Philips SPAR/SDAT data.
- Fit plots now default to the full spectral range unless xlim is specified.
- Fit plots allow the x, y, z, coil, dynamic indices to be specified.
- Added the option to subtract the baseline from fit plots.
spant 0.3.0 (2017-06-20)
- Added stackplot method for fit objects.
- Added functions for registering and visualising SVS volumes on images and
performing partial volume correction.
- Philips "list data" also now reads noise scans.
- calc_coil_noise_cor, calc_coil_noise_sd functions added to aid coil
- Documentation updates for plotting methods.
- Added some simulation methods to userland.
spant 0.2.0 (2017-05-24)
- Added Siemens RDA format reader.
- Added Philips "list data" format reader.
- Added Bruker paravision format reader.
- Added PROPACK option for HSVD based filtering.
- Added a coil combination function.
- Bug fix for incorrect ppm scale on fit plots when fs != 2000Hz.
- Bug fix for VARPRO analytical jacobian calculation.
spant 0.1.0 (2017-04-26)